Extending Our Reach: Broadening the Boundaries of Oncosexual Health
November 17-18, 2022
Yale University, New Haven, CT

Dear Colleagues,
We are thrilled to announce the 8th Conference of the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer will take place in-person on the campus of Yale University, with support from the Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital. The Scientific Network works to promote sexual well-being in women and girls affected by cancer by advancing evidence-based education and practices. In addition to your attendance, we encourage the submission of abstracts regarding all aspects of research and clinical care within this area. Research by trainees will be highlighted with an invited talk and award. The Call for Abstracts will be posted in May 2022.
This year's conference theme is "Extending Our Reach: Broadening the Boundaries of Oncosexual Health.” Our goal is to shed light on often overlooked aspects of oncosexuality, such as helping women with advanced disease and addressing populations of women who do not get the attention they need with regard to their disease, survivorship, and sexuality. Our invited speakers will highlight broad and sexuality-specific survivorship issues pertaining to global health, women with metastatic disease, and rarer cancers in women. As is our tradition, we will also be welcoming one of our local survivors to offer her perspectives during Thursday evening's dinner.
The conference aims to help close a significant gap in care for female cancer survivors by providing clinicians with the knowledge, tools, and training to address the sexual side effects of cancer treatment. CME credits will be available. The conference is geared towards physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and physical therapists who care for women with a history of cancer. However, anyone with an interest in improving the sexual health care of women with cancer is encouraged to attend.
We look forward to welcoming you to New Haven and to the Scientific Network!

Shari Damast, MD
Yale University
Scientific Planning Committee Chair

Kristen M. Carpenter, PhD
The Ohio State University
Scientific Planning Committee Co-Chair