9th Conference of the Scientific Network of Female Sexual Health and Cancer

Dear Colleagues,

We at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center are thrilled to host the 9th Conference of the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer. The conference will be held on the campus of Ohio State University, with support from the OSU James Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Network works to promote sexual well-being in women and girls affected by cancer by advancing evidence-based education and practices.

This year's conference theme is "Shaping the Future of Female Oncosexual Health, Together.” Our goal is to highlight a multidisciplinary approach to improving female sexuality after cancer. Our invited speakers will highlight sexuality-specific survivorship issues for women and girls, as well as gender and sexual minorities. They will discuss clinical management of menopause symptoms and sexual dysfunction in cancer survivors. In addition, we will highlight clinical and programmatic research topics through oral and poster abstract presentations and award the annual Stacy Tessler Lindau Trainee Research award.

There will be a number of opportunities to interact with colleagues and make new connections. As is our tradition, we will host a cocktail reception and networking session Thursday evening and offer a new collaboration session on Friday afternoon as we discuss the future of oncosexual health care in a round-table format.

We look forward to welcoming you to Columbus and to the Network!

Kristen Carpenter, PhD
Meeting Co-Chair
Allison Quick, MD
Meeting Co-Chair


The Network 2024 Power Point v2